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A sample project for a collection system Health-check and Roadmap planning.


Step 1: Project Initiation

Objective: Define the scope, objectives, and plan for the health check.


Conduct an initial meeting with key stakeholders to understand their goals and expectations.

Define the scope of the health check, including specific areas of the debt management processes to be assessed.

Develop a project plan outlining timelines, resources, and deliverables.


Project Charter

Detailed Project Plan


Step 2: Data Collection and Documentation Review

Objective: Gather and review existing documentation and data on the current debt management system.


Collect relevant documentation, such as business process descriptions, system support documents, integration descriptions, and user manuals.

Conduct interviews with business and IT stakeholders to gain insights into the current system’s usage and challenges.


Compilation of Existing Documentation

Interview Summaries


Step 3: System Analysis and Benchmarking

Objective: Analyze the current system and benchmark it against industry best practices.


Perform a detailed analysis of the current debt management system, focusing on technological support and process efficiency.

Benchmark the system against industry best practices and standards to identify gaps.


System Analysis Report

Benchmarking Report


Step 4: Identify Improvement Areas

Objective: Identify areas in the existing system that can be improved.


Based on the analysis and benchmarking, identify specific areas where the system falls short of industry standards.

Highlight potential improvements in software functionalities, process efficiencies, and technological support.


Gap Analysis Report

List of Improvement Areas


Step 5: Develop Recommendations and Roadmap

Objective: Provide actionable recommendations and a roadmap for implementing improvements.


Develop detailed recommendations for addressing the identified gaps and improving the system.

Create a prioritised roadmap outlining the sequence of actions needed to implement the recommendations.


Recommendations Report

Prioritised Roadmap


Step 6: Presentation and Review

Objective: Present findings and recommendations to stakeholders and gather feedback.


Prepare a comprehensive presentation summarising the health check findings, recommendations, and roadmap.

Conduct a review meeting with stakeholders to present the results and gather feedback.


Presentation Deck

Stakeholder Feedback Summary


Step 7: Final Report and Follow-Up

Objective: Finalise the health check report and plan for follow-up actions.


Incorporate stakeholder feedback into the final report.

Provide support for any immediate actions or further detailed planning required by the client.


Final Health Check Report

Follow-Up Action Plan


Potential Result Materials and Deliverables:

1. Project Charter: Document defining the project’s objectives, scope, and stakeholders.

2. Detailed Project Plan: Timeline, resources, and milestones.

3. Compilation of Existing Documentation: Collected and organized documentation.

4. Interview Summaries: Insights and observations from stakeholder interviews.

5. System Analysis Report: Detailed analysis of the current system.

6. Benchmarking Report: Comparison of the current system against industry standards.

7. Gap Analysis Report: Identified gaps and areas for improvement.

8. List of Improvement Areas: Specific areas where enhancements are needed.

9. Recommendations Report: Actionable recommendations for system improvements.

10. Prioritised Roadmap: Sequence and timeline of recommended actions.

11. Presentation Deck: Summary of findings and recommendations.

12. Stakeholder Feedback Summary: Compilation of feedback from the presentation review.

13. Final Health Check Report: Comprehensive report including all findings, recommendations, and roadmap.

14. Follow-Up Action Plan: Plan for implementing recommendations and further actions.


This structured approach ensures a thorough assessment and provides our Client with clear insights and actionable steps to enhance their debt management processes.